Our Sponsors & Supporters

Our Sponsors 2021 + 2023

We wouldn’t be able to run our programme without the assistance of a team of support service personnel, and five regular volunteers.

Cambridge Christmas Festival Group

QSPlus Helping Hands Trust.

Businesses that have kindly donated products or facilities 2021-2023

Incogneato Costume Hire

Incogneato Costume Hire

"My sister-in-law Melanie, loved being a part of the community. A social butterfly, she loved arts and craft sessions and catching up with friends. She would have loved having something local, rather than having to bus out of town to fulfil that need."

Karen May

Kaz – Design. Brand. Web have kindly come on board and gifted this website and the knowledge and support to get it up and running.

“Outside of school — Patricia Ave in Hamilton, then later Hogben School in Christchurch — my brother never had a place where he could be around people like him to fit in or learn valuable new skills and learn how to make social connections. The pressure on families was enormous. Since I heard about InterlockNZ, which is right here in Waipā where we grew up, I’ve often wondered how different my brother’s life would have been if this kind of programme existed back then.”

Maria has kindly written the content for this website.

Sponsorship and Donations

In order to uphold our values of affordability and accessibility, we charge a $5 fee per week for our club members, and $7.50 for non-members for Fridays regular group. The rest of our funding comes from local community grants and monthly donations of $100 from local business. 

Our goal is to reach $1500 per month to cover all ongoing expenses, not including any wages as currently all our workers are volunteers.

Help us connect like-minded people socially

The Future

With our new “home”, InterlockNZ has the potential to run a programme five days each week. The Cambridge Junior Rugby and Community Sports Club have provided a great space for Interlock to accommodate a range of services and programmes during the week. Each day will focus on a different age group or community needs, blending ability and disability as one community group. These programmes may include craft, a movement for life group, coffee groups, bowls, micro-business and other options.

Would you like to help?

All unspecified donations will go towards the day to day running costs and expenditure of maintaining the quality of the programmes we offer at InterlockNZ. This amount is $1500 per month.

Any targeted donations for: Office supplies, Specific items, Reimbursements for volunteers, Training for volunteers, Paid staffing or Building costs, will be banked into an assigned account and monitored for the purpose specified by the donor. Our accounts are audited each year by our registered Chartered Accountant. 

To achieve our plans for growth and an inclusive community, we require to be in a position to pay staff -chosen from our volunteer force and to secure accessible, dedicated long-term premises that can accommodate our numbers and vision for community involvement.

Email us to find out how you can help interlocknz@outlook.co.nz

Please, get in touch today


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